
ACE will develop and provide meaningful professional learning, curriculum, and relevant resources to build educators’ capacity to support students in achieving proficiency.


Montana’s leader in curriculum and professional development

Professional Learning

ACE supports school leaders and teachers with proficiency-based professional learning through standards-based instruction, curriculum, and assessment.

ACE supports schools with implementing high-quality instructional practices and assessments because teaching to the standards:

  • Allows transparent and honest feedback to learners, and it’s precise enough for diagnosis and prescription.
  • Provides an efficient process that allows more time for relevant and authentic experiences for our learners.
  • Prepares learners and develops skills they need to be self-navigating.

If a school also wants to transition toward reporting, ACE can provide professional learning. Depending on the readiness of a district, implementation of standards-based reporting takes at least 3-5 years.

All Montana schools have access to our summer institutes:  Event Listing

Questions? Contact Jenny Combs, Executive Director: jenny_combs@mtace.org

ACE Schools Curriculum Revision Cycle – click here to review

Strategic Direction and Goals

Programs: Alliance for Curriculum Enhancement’s programs is focused on our core mission to provide cost-effective, affordable professional development opportunities related to curriculum and assessment that are responsive to the needs of the membership

  • Goal 1: Develop and implement teacher-leader training opportunities
  • Goal 2: Implement and maintain the five-year curriculum revision cycle while continuing to refine the process
  • Goal 3: Periodically update and review the program plan with membership input

View the entire Strategic Plan